Maybe it's peace, maybe it's purpose, even direction for our lives. Maybe you're looking for community, genuine friends, you know, people who will love you in spite of your imperfections. Perhaps you have nothing to complain about. Man, if that's you, I'm happy.
But there's still something missing, and you know exactly what I'm talking about. There's nothing more frustrating than searching for something and not being able to find the very thing that you need. What if I could help you find what you've been looking for? And I know you're asking, what is it? Let me tell you.
A community of people, yet imperfect, serving a perfect God who embodied this core truth that we are better together. That community of people is Christ Community church. Hi, I'm Ernest Daniels junior, the lead pastor at Christ Community Church. It is our hope to create a space where people feel seen, loved, and valued. What I'm really saying is that we just want to do life together.
23 years later, the vision of being a church established in love, unity, and the word of God is still at the core of our DNA. We still desire to create an atmosphere where people like you and I can grow in faith, build and find meaningful relationships, and impact the world around us. Christ Community Church is a community of believers who meet in two locations. Right here in Philadelphia, in University City, and in Wilmington, Delaware, at Eastside Charter School. We created a special Sunday just for you on September 22 at 10:00 a.m.
It's welcome home Sunday, a day designed for you to discover what you've been missing. And I can't wait to see you. Peace.

Dress up, be casual, whatever makes you comfortable.
Invite your co-worker, neighbor, best friend, whoever you can to our worship experience.
Our services are 90 minutes. You’ll hear great music and the same relevant message that’s enjoyable, engaging, and leaves you feeling inspired and empowered.

Don't miss an opportunity to bring someone in, so make sure to invite people to experience Jesus and community here at CCC. Take an opportunity to meet someone new and bring them from Sunday into the rest of your week as we foster doing life together.
Matthew 28:19-20
"Go, therefore, and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to follow all that I commanded you; and behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”